Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Relay for Life

The girls and I went to the Relay for Life in Tiffen this weekend. Nicki, my friend/partner at work invited us to be part of her church's team. They had balloons you could purchase and release at the opening ceremony. The balloons represented people you know with cancer surviving or passed.
Then all the present take the 1st lap. Not that you can see her in this picture but Mary Lou, Nicki's mother is in that group. She is a breast cancer survivor! Way to go!

Sorry it's dark, long night. Here is a better picture of Mary Lou and most of her girls. Starting at the left Mary Lou, Jenny pushing her daughter Emily, and Nicki. Angie and her daughter were not able to make it. Iva, Nicki's daughter, Brice, Jenny's son, and Autumn are some were. I'm glad we had bright orange shirts.

Found one of them. We got to sleep in a tent that night. I swear I'm not getting old but sleeping on the ground it a tent proves that wrong.

The also had luminaries that you could purchase for cancer survivors and those who lost the battle. The ceremony was very touching after a few people talked about their battles with cancer they read ever name survivors first. When the name was called you lite their candle. They went all the way around the track.

The next morning half the candles were still going.

That's more then I can say for the girls. They did really well honestly. It was a long night.

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