Friday, April 13, 2007

New weight loss plan

So I came up with a new weight loss plan I thought about Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers but I decided Locks for Love was a good one. Talk about fast!!! I'll do anything to lose weight. Just kidding. Yes I did it again, I chopped off my hair. I get bored so easly with my hair. On top of the bordum I started my molting phase that I go through every year at it was driving me nuts.
Every thing in the house is covered in my hair. The other day Pete was giving Molly a bath and found a clump of my hair under her chin and I wasn't even home that day. Gross! Time to go! Plus one of these days it will be warm out and short hair is great in the summer. Thank you to Pete for being tolerent. I know he likes it long and he knows it bugs me after a while so being a hair factory for Locks of Love works, I can grow it out for Pete (and me too) then every 3 0r 4 years I can chop it back off. This is only day 1 of doing my hair myself so getting used to "fixing" hair again. How does it look? No laughter please.

New Tricks

Look at what Molly can do now. She can put a toy in her mouth on purpose.
Now she needs to learn one at a time.

She can shake her rattle. Watch out though aim is still in progress.

Molly is also learning release right now that happens when ever but...

She has also trained big sister to pick it up. The game begins.

She is also getting better at holding a bottle. We had to start some watered down juice hopefully to teach Molly how to poop again, she has forgotten. You would think that vegetables being straight fiber would have the other problem. Oh well.

Grandma Debbie's bottle cozies make holding the bottle more fun. All though the duck is almost the same size as Molly. I promise she is growing. Autumn could teach her a lesson on growing.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Happy Easter

Happy Easter. Hope yours was better than ours Autumn went to her dad's and had a good time sound like. I had to work so Pete and Molly got to bum around the house by themselves. Molly did like her new cow.
With the new tongue we now can raspberry good work dad. The only problem is we now were a bib 24/7 major increase of drool.

Squash and sweet potatoes

So Autumn tried to feed Molly tonight and did a good job for a while.
Molly thought Autumn needed to go a little faster though...

And put more food on the spoon...

But we got that fixed and she was doing real good until...

Molly remembered...

That Autumn is hilarious!!! Out sprayed the food and Mom finished from there.

Daddy's Little Girl

Can you tell Molly hates being with her daddy?
No I'm not being cute dad, you can put away the camera I'm sure of it.

Look I found my tongue! What's that?

What's this over here?

What else can it do?

Oh! It makes lots of drool. Fun!

Good job on the pictures Dad You are quick.

Up date on Doc

I have been asked how Doc is doing. Sorry he has been absent from my pictures. So here is our growing boy. His growth is running neck and neck with Molly
He is still the little one when compared to Sully but that means nothing.

I think that looks like a happy puppy what do you think? So what is bigger Doc or his ears? He He He.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Easter Party with the Gang

So have I told you lately how much I want a bigger house. 6 kids and a "few presents" and it looks like a bomb went off. Too bad the temp took a dive, and we were trapped in our tiny house. The rain did hold off thank you for that.
Molly likes her very bright duck. Thanks Chris it is very cute. The egg hunt was the best. On your mark, get set...


Good eyes Josie.

We stole Mel, our neighbor's, yard too.

Molly found one too, with some help. He He He.

Is this a good looking gang or what? They are growing to quick. Where is the pause button? If anyone finds it let me know.

Storm Game

For a X-mas present Mike and Shawn got the gang tickets to the Storm, so we all went last night after the Easter party. Nicki having a good time?

Lucky us, the night we were there they were trying to break a Guenis record of the most people in one place wearing Groucho Marks glasses. The boys were having as much fun as the kids, cute Matt.

Josie with cotton candy you do the sticky math.

Caught you Gabie, how do those finger taste.

So Autumn has moved to the point in her life were the camera is evil, but I'm sneaky.

How cute is this!!!

About as cute as this. The kids had a great time. Not sure how much of the game they watched but you know how that works.

Walbridge Easter Party

Walbridge has an Easter party every year for the kids that is a lot offun. This year the Sneed family joined us. There was an all you can eat pancake breakfast, yum, then some crafts. A coloring contest,
Cookie decorating, and more.

Molly loved watching all the kids.

There was an egg toss race. Autumn is in the blue coat.

Ashley gave it a try too. After we walked away Ken and Jessy did it also you finks.

Last was the egg hunt. Lauren is in the red coat.

Autumn and Lauren both did well.

So did Ashley. Jessy was to old so she held the bag for Ashley. The rules were go get 3 then come back, go get 3 then come back, etc until they said go ahead.

They all had a good time I think. Once again Jessy is not near the camera I know have a goal!