Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Kite flying now this is Spring!

When you have tall trees in your backyard kite flying isn't a good idea. We went over to the school's playground.
The problem was the school was a wind break. Now what well we can go some where else.

How about a friends has that has a huge (not planted yet) corn field. Talk about wind. Lauren and Autumn took turns trying to fly a spinning Parrot. Out of control but cool.

Ashley got the fish going real high later even above the tree line.

Jessie had some problems with the airplane. Starting with the fact that we couldn't put it together right, only had half the parts, had no directions (I know a woman thing), and the kite is about the same size as she is.

I'm not sure what flew longer the kite plan or the Wright brothers but neither flew very long. We had a great day.

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