Sunday, June 29, 2008

Water games

Mo had fun in the kiddie pool while the big kids got to do water games.
Shawna won the find the stuff on the bottom of the pool game.

Autumn won the 1 on 1 race against the "annoying boy". Way to go Autumn show up the boy!


Sorry I love orchids.

Where are we?

Where are we? No we didn't go to a beautiful rain forest.

This is an insane hotel! The opery land hotel, it is huge. This is one lobby they have 5 I think. We didn't stay here just looked around.

New lobby. Cute girls.

Papa I'm not sure they want the fish eating Mo's crackers. Oh well.

It is cool.

Smile Autumn.

Another lobby.

Look very closely at the "tree".

Do you see her face? Yes it's a person on stilts very cool!

Bath time

Pete, this is why you are not supposed to put bubble bath in a jacuzzi. Mo had lots of fun but I'm glad we are not at home and I don't have to clean this tub.

Dinner with Papa Dick

So the question is who misses who more. I'm not sure.

If Autumn still fit in Papa's lap she would be on the other leg.


Oh no we have been on vacation for like 10 min and we haven't gone swimming. We must fix that. Jump in girls. (FYI the girl with Autumn is Shawna, my cousin Troy's oldest. Thanks Troy for letting us borrow her for the week. I think the girls got a long as well as last year with Kendra.)

Your turn Mo. Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall...

Humpty Dumpty had a great...


Wow what fun!!!

Have I said thanks Beth and Colby for the awesome B-day present of my hubby's lately. Not video but close.

We made it

Grandma hands out gift of course. Mo decides that Autumn's diving rings were hats, everyone had to wear one.

And trade.

Grandma Grape got us a chair that blows up. Faster mom faster.

Here I'll help.

Road trip

On the road again... Family vacation was in Nashville this year, thanks again mom and dad for having this whole time share thing! This was a short road trip only 475 mile. Not bad at all. Peek.

That didn't take long.