Molly helped make her cake.

Most of it stayed in the bowl!

When Autumn got home she helped like the beaters. Good timing kid!

Molly got most of it in her mouth. LOL

Have I said what a great big sister Autumn is lately? Well she is. We used cookies to decorate the cake.

Molly's present form Grandma Debbie, a cape for her princes costume.

A crown too... We fixed it but this was funny.

Aunt Laura and Uncle Ryan's gifts were a big hit too. The T-shirt was great but the year subscription to Rolling Stone Magazine is all we heard about(came with the shirt).

Molly has My Little Ponies now, with shoes. Thanks Laura small pieces! Just joking.

Filling out her magazine form very excited!

Autumn passed down her doll house and stuff. Molly was very over loaded!!!

Thanks for all my presents!

Me too, Thanks for all my presents!

Molly's cake... She asked for an Ariel cake so OK I cheated. FYI Beth the fish plate worked well!

Nici got Mo more dress up cloths! I have a feeling this might become our new Halloween dress instead of our Flower girl dress. Either way the cape will help keep us warm.

The kids all played the wii. Mo is running out of steam.

Happy Birthday to you...

Does she know how cute she is?

Iva and Alex like mother and father.

Does 2 princess crowns up grade you too a Queen?

OK she ran out of steam!!! Good night Birthday girl.
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