We finally did get around to opening presents on the 28th, not too bad. I'm sure spending time as a family is the important thing not the day we get around to it. We even kept Papa up from "nap time" long enough to open gifts. Love you dad.

Autumn was very busy in the gift making department this year.

I helped a little too.

Now I don't know why I was even worried about Christmas this year. With the help of grandparents our kids have no clue what want is as usual. I love spoiled kids at Christmas time.

Grandpa and Grandma Grape got Molly a Elmo T-shirt it was so funny to watch her strip the second she realized what it was.

She couldn't get Elmo on fast enough and I'm surprised we got it off of her for bath time.

Speaking of bath time new toys!!!

Aunt Laura got Autumn a new wii game basically Karaoke for the wii.

Grandma Debbie and a neighbor made a new bed for Autumn's American dolls. Only my girls have quilts for their dolls. Thanks mom.

Jacob was busy in the gift making department too. He made Autumn a bird house and filled to with messages of what he likes about her. She loves it and it is so cute we can't wait to put it out soon.

I guess Grandma Beth wants Autumn to follow in the family tradition, she is now armed with her own sewing machine. Thank you so much for all your gifts. We love you all.