Saturday, July 26, 2008

Look who's home!

Lauren and I ran out to camp to pick Autumn up yesterday. She seemed to have a great time since she talked none stop all the way home (even more than normal). These were her councilors Nutmeg (left) and Stingray (right 2nd year with her).
I think she missed us a little too. The girls and I went out for dinner on the way home. Then stopped by the Sneed's to drop off Lauren and pick up Mo.
Lanie decided she has a new boyfriend! Sorry Mason, you are now one toy short.

Mo is hooked on bike rides!

She sat in the rider waiting for a ride until it was ready than she wanted out. Thanks for trying girls.

She does like riding on the mower though. Don't worry Grandmas Jessie is going really slow without blades down.

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