Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Holidays are here.

Well we got the tree up and the decorations out so I know the shopping days are closing in on me. Do you like the nice bald bottom 2ft of the tree? That is our hopefully Molly/dog tail proofing. Wish us luck.
Autumn has so much fun with the ornaments, she can tell you who made each one. Not that our tree would have any home made ornaments ya right. Molly has claimed a few and they are decorating the house more than the tree.

We did get some snow to put us in the holiday spirits. The snow has all melted though and replaced by freezing rain ya!

I have decided that a corner lot stinks when it snows! Do you know how much sidewalk we have? I can't wait till the girls are big enough to give them that job. Autumn tried to help but that lasted about 2 scoops and it was "heavy". Oh well good exercise.

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