Thursday, December 27, 2007

Pete's turn for the quilt

My mom strikes again. Pete's turn for the quilt.

Now our bedroom will match the bathroom. Time to redecorate, I'll hate to do that. Ha Ha

Some even look like a star of life.

Thanks mom. It is great!

Autumn's school party

Party time again. We played the who's who game. You know put a sticker on all the kids backs and make them figure out who they are Only asking yes or no questions.

Mass hysteria!!!

When they figured out who they were they were supposed to put the sticker on their front and sit down.

That became a new game.

The kids also brought in old books to exchange.

Throw in milk and cookies before lunch (yes the teacher's idea) and the kids had a good time.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Thanks Aunt Colby and Grandma too

Thanks for dad's new toy. With the new camera daddy is much quicker and able to get me being cute.
Molly has a night time ritual of running bull goose loony before she crashes.

See I'm not tired.

Thanks for the new toy box too. Molly thinks it is a great new toy/perch.

She can get up and down all on her own. Gray hair number 27 and 28!

As you see Molly does not agree that toys belong in the box though. Ever time I put them away she stands right next to me flinging the toys back out. Oh well, we are a house with kids I'm fine with that!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Look at me

Look Aunt Colby I finally fit in my sweater you made me. See I am growing just not fast.
She might even get to wear it next year too. That's something you probably don't understand the meaning of with Jacob. Ha Ha. I remember from Autumn the joy of all new outfits every season since she out grew last years. I feel your pain.


So we finally got a good snow. This was mainly overnight too. Guess had to work? Yes me, the one that learned to drive in Georgia. Pete and the girls had fun though.
Kind of hard to toddle in. The snow is almost up to her knees.

But it tastes good.

Hey dad a little help here I can't move.

Stuck again! Even with all the snow Grandma Beth's fight made it out ok, Darn! Grandma came out Friday and was able to stay till Sunday afternoon. To short as always but a great visit. Someone in this family needs to win the lottery so that we could either take more vacation time or not live so far apart. Thanks again for the visit can't wait to the next one. I don't plan on any surgeries this year I have had enough so maybe I can use my vacation hours for a vacation this year.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Holidays are here.

Well we got the tree up and the decorations out so I know the shopping days are closing in on me. Do you like the nice bald bottom 2ft of the tree? That is our hopefully Molly/dog tail proofing. Wish us luck.
Autumn has so much fun with the ornaments, she can tell you who made each one. Not that our tree would have any home made ornaments ya right. Molly has claimed a few and they are decorating the house more than the tree.

We did get some snow to put us in the holiday spirits. The snow has all melted though and replaced by freezing rain ya!

I have decided that a corner lot stinks when it snows! Do you know how much sidewalk we have? I can't wait till the girls are big enough to give them that job. Autumn tried to help but that lasted about 2 scoops and it was "heavy". Oh well good exercise.


Autumn is on the school's bowling league. Every Friday the bus takes her over to a bowling alley in town and it's all kids. She is doing real well look at how straight it's going leaving...

The 7/10 split what a pain. Aim for one of them, well almost. She is on the "girl power" team. All 3rd grade girls Ashley, Mallory, Jamie, and Autumn. It's something different to get out of the house. Way to try something new Autumn. Last time she was on a league she was 4 so she is doing much better, but missing the gutter bumpers.

Happy Thanksgiving (late)

Is this not a reason to be thankfull every day? It's mine!
Hop on Pop is all that comes to mind.

Laura, where was this silly man when we were growing up? My dad reminds me of Grandpa Jack, his dad, more each time I see him with the girls. Thanks again for the visit.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Ginkgo Tree!

I don't think my parents are ever coming for Thanksgiving again unless I promise the Ginkgo tree's leaves are gone. This mess is one tree! We used racks...

our feet...

our hands...


and only at our house even back boards.

Well we all worked up a great appetite and laughed a good bit too. Thanks mom and dad we would still be digging.