Since I have not up dated the house pics at all yes we have made some improvement. This is Autumn's room, the wall paper mural is the main focus to bad her desk covers most of it.

She didn't get a reading nook so we made the top bunk a reading spot.

I didn't realize how much crafting junk I have. I need to take out stock in Jo Ann's.

This is Molly's room. We need a toy box is any one needs X-mas ideas Ha Ha.

I think the rolling hills need animals they look pretty bare. Good for now though.

This is the biggest improvement the girl's bathroom. All the wall paper is gone! Not that I like the yellow tub, toilet, and sink but it does match now at least.

This is our bathroom not much but got rid of that bad sponge painting job.

Our room is still white since we haven't decided what we are doing but we did get a dresser. Ya we are grown ups now.

This is the downstairs bathroom yes the wall paper is gone too. Did I tell everyone my mother is a saint? She helped me take down almost all the paper in the house. When she had to go home (since my dad had been eating TV dinners for a month) my reinforcements Nicki and Shawn helped me finish all the bedrooms and bathrooms (including ceilings which I hate) before moving day.

This is our family room still working on getting that wall down so also not painted. Working on curtains also.

The baby blue ones are not mine but something is better than nothing some times. And by the way yes they are the biggest couches known to man, they didn't look that big in the store room but the are great for napping on dad.
I offically claim the toy chest. I'll send her birthday present in that cause I can't find any box big enough to ship this stupid thing! I miss my nieces!!!!!!!!!!!! And both pirate girl (woman?) and candy corn look darling. Well done Deb!
Her room is farm theme, right?
Yes a farm theme. Thanks
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