Friday, July 27, 2012

Catch up time

This is weird but her is a catch up blog.  Autumn at play practice.  They let the parents come see a sneak peek.

4th of July fireworks.  Both Brooke and Autumn are in the "don't take a picture of me" phase of life...  what ever.

Quinn has the best seat

Molly kept making things out of her glow necklace, this is a bow.

It was a nice show although VERY late.

Our neighbors had a block party in the street.  It was over 100 that day but it was still fun.

We got to find out how fearless Molly is!  I am sorry Mom for all the things I threw myself off of and stopped your heart!

Good landing

And backwards of course

Not as good of a landing we didn't do that one any more

Quinn took the low speed Dar Devil approach

Molly's graduation from Safety Town

Not sure if you can see her peeking through

Ian had his B-day party at Chucky Cheese!

Quinn found all the balls to play with.

With a little help Ian did great with the football

They love this roller coaster although they look scared to death

Good looking shooting Molly

They real Cheese

They had a great time

Quinn is Not sure about the mouse...

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