Saturday, September 25, 2010

Crazy Day!

Autumn with some of the girls from her troop at the Circus. Zing Zang Zoom! It was scout night so they got to go to the pre show and try on costumes. From left to right Autumn (and Molly), Mallory, Brooke, and Maegan. It was Molly and Mallory's 1st Circus. At the intermission Mallory says to me "that is only half wow!". Very cute.
Molly's 1st school field trip was to the Imagination Station. It is our old but new and renamed kids science museum. She had a great time and I was off that day and got to go! This is Ian, Molly's "boyfriend". Here I thought I needed to start worrying about Autumn, guessed wrong!

This is Molly's friend Cadeen. She was n the summer program too and they are a pretty good team. We got to be buddies for the day. It was a good time and Mom is tired!

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