Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Swimming at Fremont Rec

Mona, my partner at work, had a great idea to get a group from work together and go swimming! Mo liked the idea. Autumn would have loved it but she is at her dad's this week.
This is Jess and her niece, Trinity. Jess works on LS 18 (my truck) the day before me.

This is Chris he is on LS 17.

The bathing beauties Arianna (Mona's niece), Molly, and Trinity.

Molly got the courage via Trinity to go in the mushroom this time.

Couldn't get her out.

I Guess it take a pool to make Molly eat. She wouldn't stop!

Mona flipping Arianna.

This is Mona, my partner, if her foot ever heals and she can come back to work. Those that don't understand I stepped on her foot 6-3 and broke it. It is still broken but she is in an air cast now and allowed to take it off. Getting closer to coming back to work!!!

Go Trinity...

Again and again and again. Jess you arms are going to die tomorrow.

Great splash Trinity!

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