We went to a local farm in the area to cut down our own tree this year. It was a great day, the weather behaved and we all had the day to be together.

I think Molly misses Grandma's farm she has the need to chase some chickens.

I know you have seen this picture before but it is so cute.

We walked and walked and walked. It was really hard we kept finding another tree that was a little better or different.

Next year we are going to look at the trunk before we make the final decision. You can do it dad Molly has faith in you.

Alright Autumn tag it now the easy part they take it up front for you. Yeah!

To the people of my generation that were wondering what happened to OUR
McDonald's play ground... we found it. Ready for a flash to the past.

realized how much she is not a kid anymore.

Molly found some Reindeer.
Believe it or not she stayed real quite and still so they came pretty close.

Santa she did NOT stay still or quite or close. That was not happening. Then Autumn decide she was to big to sit with Santa. Who said she could grow up because it wasn't me?
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