200 lbs
Size 18w jeans
So I watched a show last night that got me a little scared. It was a good show about keeping your children health and the problem with so many children being obese in America today. They talked about BMI on the show but never gave you the formula. I have noticed this winter that the Grehl house hold (minus Molly) has put on a bit of winter weight. I listened to the suggestions of portion control witch I have already tried to start and getting more exercise witch I have tried to start also. Autumn's gym class gives her "exercise point" for every min of physical activity that she does at home. Still not sure what exercise points do but Autumn wanted to do it. So we made a deal she could pick the exercise and I would do it with her. So we are exercising but after homework, taking care of Molly, taking care of dinner, the dogs are outside so we have room, etc. I have a list of excuses don't I! Back to this BMI thing they never did give you the formula so today I went on line and found health kids. com (great site by the way) and got really scared. Autumn and I both fall into the "obese" category. Wow I knew we needed to firm up a bit but obese, that is scary! I will not tell Autumn this though not at this point in her life. She stresses about being "fat" all the time. Pete and I both stress to her living healthy not loosing weight. This is were I need help. How do you get you and your kid to loose weight with out being on a "diet". I remember all my life my mother and her mother fight with their weight and I don't want to start this fight myself let a lone make Autumn start the fight at 8. The problem is Autumn still has some problems with asthma. She also has diabetes in her dad's family not to mention the thyroid problem the Hubers have that only make the weight fight harder. The point is we need to start this fight. Here is the plan. #1 Stop the excuses on exercising. #2 Buy a scale for the house, that I have not allowed living with the don't ask don't tell policy. #3 Get better at portion control and involve Autumn in the choice to eat less. #4 Up date this blog once a month to make myself keep up with the plan. I have always done better at exercising when I being counted on or checked up on. #5 Look into Y membership. My goal for myself is 50 lbs by Molly's 1st Birthday I know I'm setting that high but I have "baby weight" that should come off easier. Let's see what happens. My goal for Autumn is to be physically active every day. She can set her own goals other then that I don' want it to concentrate on a number more on how she feels about herself. She has been making comments about her own weight so hopefully this will help her feel better. I'm going to count this as March so see you in April.
1 comment:
Ohh Kari, we have all been there. Some of us are still there. It seems these things are life long battles. I got down to my prebaby weight well after Jacob's birthday- close to when he was eighteen months. I still have the 10-15 lbs that I was supposed to lose before I got pregnant. The one thing I did that was really helpful for me was that I pumped an extra 8 ounces that Jake didn't need (after he had slowed down to only nursing 3-4 times a day). That really took off an extra 5 lbs fast. I think for you just keep at it. I think you look great but it is always most important what you think about youself. For Autumn I think it is probably best just to keep moving and the weight will come off. Kids bounce back so much faster than we do. I thought Jake was looking a little chunky a few months ago so I bought a mini trampoline at Walmart for 20 bucks and it did the trick. He loves to bounce and the extra 15 minutes of energy expulsion helps on all fronts.
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