Like every trip to GA my family drug everyone to the Aquarium! We love t there.

A sting ray even got close enough for me to touch him this time! Mo would not put her hand in at all. And Quinn was trying to got swimming.

Hang on Papa Quinn wants in.


I was a bit nervous about letting Quinn touch soft things. The lady working was like sure let her touch... till Quinn grabbed a handful of tentacles and ripped... we got asked to leave the pool. Oops sorry.

Molly loves hanging with Papa. And they do a great job of wondering off too.

This is why we come every year, Molly loves her Whale sharks.

Like she can read right? Very cute.

Say Hi! I am so jealous I want that job.

It is so nice to watch them get a long for 2 mins. I now know how Mom feels... yes I said it, sorry.

Awww good job Grandma Grape!

Very funny.