For those that do not know yet Autumn hosted the 1st annual St Baldricks Fundraiser for Sandusky Co EMS (where I work). The cake is St Baldrick's mascot Lucky. This is the 10th anniversary for St Baldricks they have raised now 18 million dollars in 2010 for childhood cancer research!!! Clyde, a small city in Clyde has a large cluster of kids with cancer that but they do not know why. The EPA is even scratching their heads. Autumn wanted to help these kids, while earning her Bronze award for GS.

Jeff Jackson is my boss and helped get us what we needed from the County like the use of the name. He already stated talking about what we could do next year... I think he was proud of the event!

Autumn was supposed to have the mic but when everyone walked it at noon she got cold feet. Oh well, she is 11. LOL

A young man that lives in Clyde started it off! He raised $150! For a 9 year old I was very proud, you should have seen his mom and dad they ran out of face for their smiles!!!

I was worried the poor boy was going to be down to skin, his mom kept rubbing his head as she teared up... I had to walk or cry myself!

This is my partner at work Ramona. On top of this being for the kids she has many adult family members suffering with cancer. She was going to stay and help but was woke to be told her Uncle passed in the night. Tears were rolling in this hair cut...

But I'm very proud of her! She was just shy of her $500 goal but is still getting donations!

Autumn hiding at the coloring table... She did really great with the planning and set up but than there was a lot of strangers. Autumn shy?

Molly thought she ran the place.

Dave McGaha a fellow County medic and a long time friend of Pete and I, way back to the Med Corp days! He keeps his hair very short normally and hadn't it cut is for months... He was ready for a hair cut!!!

And it looks great!

Chris Shay, another fellow County medic. He was a little nervous!

But looks great, not that you would know since he cheats and puts a hat on. LOL

This is our other Clyde 9 year old! I'm so proud of these kids! They are going to grow up and want to shake the world up!!! We need it.

Justin Wallace, our last County medic and the proud Uncle of Taylor. He stopped cutting his hair months ago when I told him about this too. He also was a great help getting the word out and working the Event as a Treasure. Thank you for all your help!!!

We talked her into shaving a mohawk, than she skunk striped it too...

Look at these handsome boys!

Justin and family had a wedding the night before and guess what Keri(his wife) had in her purse... Great sport!

Matt Ray are 1 cop to shave! They let Iva do the 1st stripe too!

All better! Matt hadn't cut his hair in a month he was wanting a hair cut!

Molly and Libby (a helper for the event) I didn't know pins made good drums LOL.

So when the Event was over and we went home to count we are at $3410 and counting. David Feldon, my rocking brother-in-law is going to shave and is taking donations still. Autumn wanted to raise $100, I talked her into $1000 and we stomped both of those!!! Way to go Autumn!!! It makes it all worth it to see that smile.