Saturday, January 30, 2010

Molly's "Move"

Molly was showing off her "moves" today. AKA that means Karate moves...

Taking orders

Well it was supposed to be a Christmas presents for Laura and Ryan. It did get done, now to ship it...

Got your nose

Grandma Beth came to visit before she starts her new job!!! Molly stool her nose...

And ate it. Poor Grandma no nose!

Music time

Autumn (and Molly) gave us a concert, Sully and Doc tried to help too.

Itsy Bitsy Spider...

Instrument change up!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wish me luck

I have really missed comments on my blog! I have done a little looking and now have added the comments back with some exceptions. You have to be registered and I get e-mails of all comments and can except or decline. This way the posts that need to be seen can be and the stupid stuff gets deleted! I hope this works. Maybe if a person has to step up and put their name behind there comments they will watch what the say... Thank you to my friends and family for dealing with all of this with me!


Autumn took this picture of me a while ago. I have been using it as my Face Book picture (for those who are not on FB). This week is "way back" week on FB so...
Autumn picked this out of my baby book for my FB picture. It is kind of freaky side by side!

Highlights Magizine

Grandma Grape and Papa Huber got Molly Hidden Picture, Highlights Magazine for Christmas. Great pick she LOVES to find hidden pictures and is really good.
She likes checking off the found pictures I think as much as finding them. Very cute!!!

Nic's X-mas Party 09

It has been way to long since the last time we got together. Nic had a great party as always!


Teenagers... yes Gabi is a teenager!!!

The girls and Iva.

Bubba stayed watch over all.

No change Nic has a small Zoo.

Josie, the brave, she just spent 3 1/2 weeks in Cleveland Clinic with her mom having brain surgery. You never would have known it, minus the new hair style, she looks better than ever!!! Oh and Mikey too. Autumn made all the kids presents this year herself.

Molly got a new princess outfit...

She even shared...

A lot! Nice bow Mike!

The kids played NCIS, guess who was Abby again. It was a great time with friends again. Thanks!!!


Now this is enough snow for snow angles!
Molly walks on her to much

Autumn's turned out pretty great!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Enough snow to play this time

We finally got enough snow to play yesterday. By the time I got the sidewalks shoveled it was 5 PM I hate how dark it get so early. I know it looks like I have the kids out in the middle of the night, I promise I don't.
Sand toy make great snow toys!

Molly's snow angle hard to see when she walks on it.

All done cold and going in!

Autumn couldn't keep her hands warm she needs water proof gloves. Cool picture though. Look how blue her coat makes her eyes!

Monday, January 4, 2010

X-mas 09

Santa must agree that the girls were good too.
Autumn's favorite chap stick.

Molly got her own ambulance.

The boys got new bones and Sully had his gone in hours. Doc had to hide his for the next week.

Grandma Beth got me some new letter cards

And old school color forms.

Grandma Grape got me a load book mom says thanks!

Grandma Grape got me a pearl necklace that I got to make.

Wow thanks Grandma Debbie

Thanks Molly

I think I did ok.

New spinning skirts

Now that is a pillow thanks Grandma Debbie can"t wait to stuff it.

Fashion designer in the making, I think Autumn likes her sweater too.

The girls playing with the new wii games.

First snow

Not really enough to play with but Molly wanted to try.

We went to go see Santa, Molly got all the way though the line and than the breaks went on. She would stand next to him and that is all we got. More than last year, she didn't scream!