Sunday, May 24, 2009

Autumn's Sping Choir Program

I Hate Microphones!!! Can you find her?
Is this better? I need to talk with her about standing on the edge.

How cute is she. To bad she will not have choir next year. The school got rid of music. I hate budget cuts.

The Garden is done

Now this is a recycling project to the extreme. All the wood was a small deck in the middle of the yard and the stacks were part of the gazebo that broke last year.
For 2 boxes of screws and a LOT of dirt we now have a garden!

The boardwalk will keep Molly out of the plants hopefully. Or maybe I can keep my shoes clean.

My Little Helper

Molly loves to water plants. She will also pick every dandelion in site.

I think the tongue helps the water come out some how.

Oh no, all gone.

Good job helping, thanks Molly.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Oregon Feast Choir Preformance

This is the Starr Elementary 4th and 5th grade Choir. Autumn is on the right side of the right white strip. Not the tallest the 5th grade girl to her left is a little taller. They are doing all Broadway songs.


Cont. again

Cont. last song

Oregon Feast

Yesterday was the Oregon Feast. Pete had work stuff so the girls and I went. Autumn was preforming with her school choir too. We made it just in time for the parade.

We will have to find more this summer Molly LOVED it.

For those that can't translate Molly this face is wow that is a big horse... Clydesdale

Than the kids all got together to warm up.

Now for those that remember my seating problem at the Christmas program (aka the mic in Autumn's face) I had to laugh when they came on stage and... Autumn stops BEHIND the mic again! She is the tall on behind the far right mic.

Is this better. I moved.

Autumn and the whole choir did so great. I can't wait till Tuesday when they get to sing again on the big stage.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

GS end of the year picnic

Last night was the GS end of the year family picnic. I can't believe we are doing end of the year stuff already.
Autumn got a ton of awards like always including top sales of GS cookies thanks to all that ordered and helped her out with that.

As soon as I get the vest caught up she gets me move work.

We had a nice pot luck picnic.

Than had are closing...

And even Jamie turned the right way!!! Long story. Have a great summer girls.

Mother's Day

On Mother's Day the girls made me breakfast. It was supposed to be in bed but I got up and messed that up for them. Than I had them help me finish the sour dough bread I was working on. It was fun but what a mess!

Yes that is a bowl of flour that Molly is sprinkling on the floor in the back ground. Oh well I will clean up.

Those are 2 faces that make cleaning up afterwards worth it!